Thursday, January 28, 2016

How Much Fakery Can You Handle?

I know I can handle a lot of fakery, so much so that I just accept most of our artificial reality has the potential to be fake.

My journey to understanding how the world we live in is mostly staged and scripted began at From there I have come to understand most of the world we live in is a stage. Going all the way back to Ancient Egyptian times and to the "Neolithic Revolution", which I think was a con to break up the different hunting and gathering tribes and turn them into controlled and managed farming slaves.

Fakery to me is an ancient con. Like I said I think it started 12,000 years ago, but I really think it picked up with Ancient Egypt. I know there is talk and YouTube videos about how Ancient Egypt and the Pyramids were fake and didn't exist when they were said to have existed. I think those are disinfo videos. To me Egypt is where Freemasonry and Secret Societies started. The Pyramid is symbolic of those on top ruling over the ignorant slaves.

Faking events or staging events is an ancient con. It's also similar to movies, theater, acting, etc. To me the origin of acting and theater comes from conning the public and lying and figuring out how slaves like us can believe in staged events and staged wars.

Most people can't handle the life we live in as being fabricated. I'm not talking about how every single thing is fake in life. I'm talking about fakery with regards to politics, television, news, videos, and imagery. The reason people have a hard time grasping these mediums have the potential to be fake life is because of the fact when we were hunting and gathering tribes long ago, not much could be faked in nature.

Once people were removed from the hunting and gathering tribes to farming and then to what is called "civilization", the potential for fakery increased. Ancient Egypt surely had fake and staged deaths, wars (though some people might have died), and scripted events to keep the slaves in control.

I do believe all the religions are just cons pulled over the masses for control. Whether it's Judaism or Catholicism, it was just another invented con to deceive the public and control them. When we were Hunter and Gatherers, I'm sure there was a religious aspect to life. I think the slave masters just said to themselves why not create religions to con and enslave people. People already are religious by design, so why not use that to our advantage and thus all these religions were created to enslave us all.

There is a creator or God, but I think so much is unknown as to what is going on. Because of this it's easy to con people to believe is false religions and use those false religions to make people slaves.

Primal instinct isn't to accept life as having anything fake in it. When human beings were hunter and gatherers, how much fakery was there in nature and the outdoors? Probably none. Once you get human beings into a artificially created civilization, then a fake reality can happen.

Books had to be one of the biggest forms of fakery invented before imagery. You could lie your ass off in a book and once you have a literate slave population, then the slaves just read lies and don't question it. The Bible is an example. How do you verify the Bible is the actual word of God. It would be so easy to script the bible. Sometimes the Bible is referred to as the "Scriptures" or "Scripture". What is a script usually? For a play, movie, or television show. When something is scripted, it's planned out ahead of time. To me calling the Bible Scripture is a giveaway.

I think politicians, emperors, rulers, Pharaohs, actors, actresses, and Freemasons/occult/secret societies have been faking their deaths for thousands of years. I don't know for sure why, but it's a ritual. A ritual that apparently moves people up the ranks in said occult/secret society and also gives you access to more secrets and knowledge. Also its supposed to be symbolic of furthering one's life by faking the death first in the public sphere.

I do think a lot of history has been faked, but while it was happening for the most part. The Ancient Romans faked stuff, the Ancient Greeks and the Vatican too. The con of fakery works and that is why it's always been used and will continue to be used.

What about the French Revolution or the American Revolution? I think tons of staging and scripted events took place. People might have died, but not like we are told how it was a massive amount of people.

I wonder if there has ever been a real Assassination. The word has ASS twice, is that code? To me a lot of history has just been theater for the mind. Nobody has to get hurt, just slave management must be furthered by these staged events outcomes.

How about Nagasaki or Hiroshima getting nuked? I've seen enough evidence on YouTube and different websites that show the Nuclear Bomb is fake and so is nuclear power. People have said the pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima look like Firebombing. Okay, what if those pictures are fake? Did any firebombing even happen? Photo imagery back in the 1940s was easy to fake, so why not fake the firebombing imagery? I don't think any bombing had to take place in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

People just can't handle a lot of stuff in life being fake. It's primal instinct to accept life as real. Only certain people can question life and understand they are being tricked over and over again and then accept it. Other people need life to be real, because they can't handle that much fakery. I'm not joking when I say people might be traumatized if they know a lot of history, religions, reality, etc, is made up. So they protect themselves psychologically by rejecting fakery.

All these revolutions reek of fakery whether the industrial revolution or the American Revolution. Why would there be a Revolution for industrial? Industrial jobs suck. What's the revolution for? To go from a farmer where you were your own boss to work and slave away for someone else in a factory? Makes no sense.

The American Revolution was to break away from England and start a Democracy. Well Democracy is another con. The Revolution had to be staged. Why would the masses want a Revolution for system where you elect rulers to pass laws against you? So the Revolution was done for us to get that system in place. Democracy was the new system because it would work better for the slave master then the old system of monarchy.

Now you have socialism one world government which replaces Democracy. All these Revolutions are bullshit and always were. What about these staged riots and demonstrations, because that is what they are. The slave masters realized a long time ago it's easier to staged revolts because nobody will feel like revolting if they know someone is doing it for them.

It's all a science for ruling over the masses, handed down for thousands of years.

What I see from a lot of people is a lack of wanting to accept fakery. They push back and reject it, because they are scared of how to handle that reality. Having fear that something could be fake is ridiculous. With the movies, television shows, and books that sell the myths of reality, it's hard to convince people. Propaganda is there for a reason. It works.

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