There was always controversy with the Atkins Diet throughout Atkins' career. Doctors and nutritionists disputed Atkins' claims that human beings did not evolve to properly digest carbohydrate, particularly because, they claimed, the human diet has relied on carbohydrates to supply energy for thousands of years, with meat and dairy consumption being only sporadic.
Another controversy was Dr. Atkins suffering a heart attack in 2002, which led to criticism of his diet because it had high levels of saturated fat, which may have caused the heart attack. What if the heart attack didn't happen? What if this was to set up confusion regarding whether fat is good for you or not? What if the heart attack was a fake story to cause the confusion about what people should eat and whether you should trust Dr. Atkins advice?
Why would the powers that be allow Dr. Atkins to give the masses a way of eating that would help the masses be healthy without poisoning the well? There is probably a lot of truth to what the Atkins diet says you should eat and how fat in the diet is important. Dr. Atkins was part of the experts that are put out there to tell the masses what to do and how to think as opposed to investigating and doing your own research.
There always seems to be some confusion regarding what people should eat from the news, books, media, etc. That is done on purpose by the powers that be. Atkins heart attack had to be staged to cause confusion about his advice on eating and whether his diet caused the heart attack.
There is a lot of masonic/occult numerology associated with Dr. Atkins' death from a head injury from slipping on ice. Dr. Atkins was 72(7+2=9) at the time of his death and weighed 117 kilograms, which is pretty heavy for a diet expert. He weighed 88 kilograms when he entered the hospital at the time of his fall and gained 29(2+9=11) kilograms from fluid retention during the 9 days he was in a coma before he died. He was an active doctor practicing medicine for 44 years (1959-2003).
Double numbers or numbers that add up to 9 and 11 seem to be very frequent in reported deaths of celebrities, politicians, musicians, professional athletes, and important people put before us by mainstream media. The prevalence of this sort of numerology seems to indicate Freemason code for fake. These people that supposedly die are probably retired from the matrix or this false reality we live in and they assume a new identity. Maybe they move to another country, island, etc.
What would be the point of having Dr. Atkins fake his death? To cause confusion about the advice he gave on eating dietary fat and restricting carbohydrates. Also just to cause confusion about what to eat in general. Usually the theme is to cause confusion for the masses with all these Psyops, events, etc.
Why does diet have the word Die in it? Is that code?