John Adams recently mentioned this book on Afternoon Commute and Tim Kelly's Our Interesting Times podcast. The parts John highlighted are the best parts which are in the beginning of the book. The second half of the book kind of sucks because it describes Ford Foundation Funded sociologists traveling to different high schools to interview students which I thought got boring.

Couldn't track down a free version, but my library had several copies available.

Dr. Weston A. Price had ties to eugenics? Weston A. Price and the American Eugenics Movement

Second half of the book is very much worth reading. Most libraries should have this.
Most libraries should have it.
Most libraries should have it.
Should be available in most libraries.
Should be available at most libraries.
Should be available at most libraries.
Should be available at most libraries.
Most libraries should have this book on their shelves.
Most libraries should have this book.
Free at
Free on
Most libraries have this book
Most libraries have this book
Most libraries should have this
Most libraries Have This
Most libraries Have This
Most State Libraries Should Have This
Most libraries should have this.
Most libraries should have this.
Most libraries should have this.
Had to get this at a University Library
Had to get this at a University Library

Most state libraries should have this
Most state libraries should have this.
Most libraries should have this book. If anything, just read the gold in Chapter 6.
Most libraries should have this.
Most libraries should have this book. If anything, just read the gold in Chapter 6.
Most libraries should have this.
Most state libraries should have this
Most libraries should have this
Most libraries should have this. Get the book to read Part Three, where Russell shows how much of a sick bastard he is.
Great book if you want understand the black magic employed to take over primitive tribes. Talks about fake prophets, fake messiahs and getting primitives away from their natural spiritual belief system. Had to get this at a university library.
Tells you how manufactured President Nixon was to the masses. Talks about the fakery behind the scenes that went on. Most libraries should have this one.
Great book if you want understand the black magic employed to take over primitive tribes. Talks about fake prophets, fake messiahs and getting primitives away from their natural spiritual belief system. Had to get this at a university library.
Tells you how manufactured President Nixon was to the masses. Talks about the fakery behind the scenes that went on. Most libraries should have this one.
Thanks for the suggestions
ReplyDeleteHere are some books that I thought were insightful
Might is Right- Ragnar Redbeard
The 48 Laws of Power- Robert Greene
The Art of War- Sun Tzu
The Prince- Niccolo Macavelli
The Society of the Spectacle- Guy Debord
Simulacra and Simulation- Jean Baudrillard
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television- Jerry Mander
Amusing Ourselves to Death- Neil Postman
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
The Secret Power of Music- David Tame
The Shallows- Nicholas Carr
Health and Light- John Ott
The Eco-Spasam Report- Alvin Toffler
The Secret Teachings of all Ages- Manly P Hall
Sexual Sabotage- Judith Reisman
Push Back!- Bev Ekman
The Culture of Narcissism- Christopher Lasch
Haven in a Heartless World- Christopher Lash
The Vegetarian Myth- Lierre Keith
Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine- Jeanice Barcelo
The New Totalitarians- Ronald Huntford
The Spirit of Community- Amatai Etzoni
The age of manipulation- Wilson Bryan Key
ReplyDeleteTurning Point- Fritjof Capra
Hope of the Wicked- Tedd Flynn
The Kybalion
Libido Dominandi- E Micheal Jones
Alvin Toffler books ( Future shock, third wave, creating a new civilization)
Rules for Radicals- Saul Alinskey
HG Wells (Open Conspiracy, New World Order, Of Things to Come)
Jacques Ellul (Propaganda and Technological book series)
Vance Packard (Waste Makers and Hidden Persuaders)
Fables of Aesop
Things to Come- Foster Bailey
The Biological Time Bomb- Gordon Taylor
The Next Million Years- Charles Galton Darwin
Klaus Schwab (Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution, COVID-19 The Great Reset)