Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Man Survived Two Atomic Bombs

hiroshima and nagasaki bombing
On August 9, 1945, the B-29 bomber “Bockscar” sliced through the clouds above the Japanese city of Nagasaki and unleashed a 22-kiloton plutonium bomb known as “Fat Man.” The blinding white light that followed was sickeningly familiar to Tsutomu Yamaguchi, an engineer who just three days before had been severely injured in the atomic attack at Hiroshima. Seventy years later, learn the story of the man who endured two separate nuclear blasts and lived to tell the tale.
Despite being on the verge of collapse, Yamaguchi dragged himself out of bed on the morning of August 9 and reported for work at Mitsubishi’s Nagasaki office. Around 11 a.m., he found himself in a meeting with a company director who demanded a full report on Hiroshima. The engineer recounted the scattered events of August 6—the blinding light, the deafening boom—but his superior accused him of being mad. How could a single bomb destroy an entire city? Yamaguchi was trying to explain himself when the landscape outside suddenly exploded with another iridescent white flash. Yamaguchi dropped to the ground just seconds before the shock wave shattered the office windows and sent broken glass and debris careening through the room. “I thought the mushroom cloud had followed me from Hiroshima,” he later told the newspaper The Independent.
Yamaguchi was the only person officially recognized by the Japanese government as a “nijyuu hibakusha,” or “twice-bombed person.”
The Man Who Survived Two Atomic Bombs | History.com

via richardbenedict73

Twice-bombed person? What a joke. This is another example of stories planted there for us to reinforce the myth of nuclear weapons. These absurd survival stories are always seeded with other Psyops too. 9/11 had the 9/11 surfer who surfed down the twin tower's debris ruble and the guy who used a squeegee to escape the twin towers. Laughable stories that people never question but are constantly used to sell these Psyops to the masses as real events were people get hurt and die.

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