It Doesn't Matter That Sports Is Rigged!

Whether you're a sports fan or not, this book is well worth reading. It was written almost 50 years ago and is nothing like what popular controlled opposition Brian Tuohy talks about. The author Paul Hoch goes over some aspects of professional sports outcomes being determined in advance but most of the book is based off of uncovering the magic trick of professional sports on the masses. He highlights why sports came into existence on such a mass scale. You can focus all you want on sports being rigged but in the end it doesn't matter because the whole point of these distractions is to socially engineer people to conform to rules and taking orders at their jobs and obeying laws in society. It's black magic.

In this book you will find out why the powers that be decided to push professional sports into the lexicon. With the coming of industrial factory jobs where people had no say in their decisions anymore and had to take orders from mangers and where people went from using their own creativity in their work to working monotonous brain dead machine jobs, sports would be the necessary opium like religion one was in order to stabilize a society that would be rebelling if not for this mass dose of opium. Sports also serve to show people to be obedient slaves to their authoritarian government masters. This book talks about how sports like Baseball, American Football, Basketball and Hockey with head coaches and owners being the dictators to the players (cattle) is just like a worker in a factory having to take orders from his superiors.

Also Paul Hoch shows in this book how professional sports such as American football are used to socialize people to accept militarized society with Wars and huge militaries. He talks about the game of football having purposely designed terminology to mimic the military. Terms like throwing a bomb down the field and the flanker position like in war. It just along the lines of the rules and regulations training people for acceptance of being a good obedient citizens.

Sports is an old con that the elite have used going back to ancient Rome to distract the masses from their oppression. It causes people to accept their slavery and to not do anything about it as long as they are provided opium in the form of professional sports for example in this book. This magic is needed in order for the sorcerers high above to pull of the pyramid hierarchical class structure of society.

Rip Off The Big Game gets down to how owners of sports teams are wealthy elites who are playing all kinds of scams getting the masses to consume sports. Sports owners are there to shepard the herd with their wizardry using their sports teams in big arenas, stadiums, television and radio. Here is a good section of the book that sums up the Magic Trick that is sports. Pages 37-39

The unfortunate parts of this book is Paul Hoch somewhat advocating socialism and communism in the last three chapters. He is a socialist so it was no surprise he would criticize the monopoly capitalism of professional sports in America and then introduce the solution which is equality everywhere which involves government controlling people's lives even more than capitalism. Capatalism, Socialism and Communism are all Black Magic used to control people. None of them are a good option but Paul Hoch does put forth his solution to solving the problems pro sports are causing.

Still this book has numerous gold nuggets of information that worth reading it for. You can read other books on sports being rigged or fixed, but this book breaks the Professional Sports Spell. You can see sports for what they really are. You will understand why this magic is used by the wizards at the top to control the masses.

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