The Atomic Bowl Game

The story of the ‘Atom Bowl’ is one of the most bizarre tales in the wake of the atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki, Japan—pitting the makeshift teams the Nagasaki Bears against the Isahaya Tigers. The Bears’ quarterback was Angelo Bertelli, who won the Heisman trophy in 1943 while playing for Notre Dame. Bertelli enlisted in the Marines in 1942 but wasn’t deployed until the fall of 1943. The Tigers had Bullet Bill Osmanski, an NFL star who played for the real life Chicago Bears and led the league in rushing in 1939 with 699 yards.

Americans Played Football in the Nuked Remains of Nagasaki For the 'Atom Bowl' in 1946 | Paleo Future
Knowing that nuclear bombs don't exist and who knows what really happened in Nagasaki whether it was firebombed or not, this is absolutely hilarious how months after the nuclear bomb was said to have been dropped by Americans somehow it was okay to have Americans playing football in Nagasaki. On top of the radiation that we hear about that lingers for years after a nuclear bomb has been detonated, this somehow wasn't an issue to play this football game in Nagasaki. I mean come on, this game was to reinforce the myth of nuclear weapons and that a nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

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