The festival of Christmas was celebrated by pagan societies many centuries before the birth of Christ. When the sun began its northward trek in the sky and days began to grow longer again, pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice by burning the Yule log. Since the sun had reversed itself and was now rising in the sky, ancient pagans believed this was a sign that the human sacrifices carried out at Samhain (Halloween) had been accepted by the gods.
The nearer aspects of the Christmas tradition have their roots in Roman custom and religion. The earliest reference to Christmas as being observed on December 25 comes from the second century after Jesus’ birth (note the word century - this means nearly 200 years after His birth). It is likely that the first Christmas celebrations were in reaction to the Saturnalia - a Roman harvest festival that marked the winter solstice - the return of the sun - and in honor of Saturn, the god of sowing and agriculture. Saturnalia was a rowdy festival. It is believed that Christmas developed as a means of replacing worship of the sun with worship of the Son. At the Saturnalia, all classes of people exchanged gifts, the commonest being waxed tapers (candles) and clay dolls. These dolls represented original sacrifices of human beings.
Christmas is a very popular holiday tradition and is celebrated by some 2 billion people worldwide. In fact, people in nations with little or no Christian culture or tradition are celebrating this holiday in increasing numbers. The celebration of the holiday is so big that it plays a key role in the economies of many nations. In the US retail industry, the day after Thanksgiving is commonly known as “Black Friday.” It is the start of the Christmas shopping season and stores that have been “in the red” (operating at a loss) all year suddenly see their sales shoot up so fast they are now operating “in the black” (at a profit) for the remain der of the year. Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year due to its traditional Christmas sales. In short, “Christmas” is driven by commercialism.
Because of the opposition to the traces of paganism surviving in the Christmas customs, the Church of Rome created special masses to be performed at midnight, daybreak, and morning - and hence the word “Christmas.”
When we examine Christ-mass thorough the looking glass of history and measure it by the yardstick of Scripture, it becomes very clear that the rituals practiced and the customs followed today are simply variations of the ceremonies invented by Nimrod and Semiramis and practiced by the ancient pagans many years ago. Nimrod encouraged idolatry to such an extent that the very word Babylon became synonymous with false worship.
Another author traces Santa to the Norse god Thor. Thor was the god of the peasants and the common people. He was represented as an elderly man, jovial and friendly, of heavy build, with a long white beard. His element was the fire - his color red. The fireplace in every home was sacred to him, and he was said to come down through the chimney into his element, the fire. Thor was said to drive in a chariot drawn by two white goats called Cracker and Gnasher. He fought the giants of ice and snow so he became known as the Yule-god. He was said to live in the Northland where he had his palace
among icebergs.
The origins of many of our cherished customs come from Babylonian sun worship and over the years, have been cleverly absorbed into Christianity. The Nimrod Tree - our Christmas tree - originated in Babylon . Wreaths, branches, boughs, and trees were used by the ancient pagans as emblems of Nimrod because they were thought of as the re-birth of the sun. Trees were decorated during the winter solstice. In Babylonian mythology, after Nimrod’s death, he became the sun-god. He was worshipped as Baal (the Lord) Marduk, Mithras, Ahura, Mazda, Gott, Aton, and Dagon. Pagans were absorbed into Christianity along with their pagan religious festivals and truth was cleverly mixed with abominations.
The wreath is alleged to be a reference to - and a symbol of - the birth of Christ. But like everything else, the wreaths we use today are tied to and have their origins in worship of the sun god. What we know as the Christmas wreath comes from ancient practices. These wreaths were made from evergreens and were most frequently round to symbolize the sun (just as do halos in most religious art). Hence, the round Christmas wreaths stand for an eternal sun, a never-dying or self-renewing sun. The legends and myths of Santa Claus are steeped in the beliefs of pagan witchcraft. The elf is one of the traditions associated with Ole Nick that can be traced back to Celtic roots. Santa and his elves are the modern version of the “nature folk” of pagan religions. Nature folk were the sprites that lived in the forest and possessed magical powers. To the Druids, elves were tree spirits or demons.