Decoding History Alan Watt On Predictive Programming

Decoding History an Introduction - Bible Prophecy or Predictive Programming

The thesis is that states nations & global divisions are a lie used by the Empire to keep us ignorant of reality

The New World Oder isn't coming it's been here for thousands of years Court historians court reporters & court jesters have been either fabricating people like Hey Zeus Jesus Shakespeare & Newton or turning murdering racists like Lincoln into Political God men to be worshiped by the state's free range debt slaves

Try to relax and realize the script isn't prophecy it's predictive programming The script by Dan & John for the goats the Biblical Levitical UCC Law Merchant Law for the sinners & a collection of plagiarized politically motivated fairy tales for the sheep They pimp out three main prison cults Jew Christian Muslim

Once you begin to connect the dots you realize your whole life is a lie. Mumbai Mercenary Murders, The staged Nuclear posturing, The orchestrated financial collapse, WMD, War on terror, 911 criminal files, Oklahoma building files, Waco, WTC FBI Bombings, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iran/Contra CIA, Watergate, USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, Operation Northwoods, MK-Ultra, Korean War, Operation keel haul, Operation Paper clip, Holohoax, Pearl Harbor, 1929 crash, Federal Reserve act, Half a dozen other assassinated Presidents and hundreds of lesser officials, like JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Vince Foster, Daniel Pearl, Paul Wellstone, etc. for a short list

None dare call it genocide but all our foods & drinks & even the air we breathe is contaminated with Pharmacueticals, RBGHT, MSG, Aspartame, GMO, Cloned meats, Mercury vaccines, fluoride water supplies, tobacco, alcohol, fructose, chemtrails, banning supplements, outlawing natural remedies & too many other sick eugenics programs to mention

We trade our labor for credit notes which we trade for food & shelter. They then go to the central bank which pays for the Police state, Propaganda, Poisons & Brainwashing that UNeducates, entertains & enslaves us
