Twin Towers 911 & Trump Order out of Chaos Freemason Satanic Rituals

Get ready for 9/11 personified to be President again in November. 45th (9) President and 47th (11) President to bring America to an end. Trump Card or Tower Card in Tarot.


Sofia Smallstorm Speaks To Mark Devlin About CONsent

I put together a compilation of clips of Sofia Smallstorm's interview with Mark Devlin where they talk about how CONsent works. 

Truth About Fake Moon Landings

BIG REVEAL: Trump's Bandage Comes Off Showing... Minor Discoloration? Can The Gaslighting Stop Now?

What a joke 

The End Of Jake?

This Livestream seemed to be going pretty good until Jake started going off on people commenting on his channel. Also what I have noticed is that Jake the Asshole is literally living up to that name and getting angrier on people disagreeing with him. Censoring comments and going ballistic on people that dispute him. Will Jake be able to survive the coming NFL season which is his Primetime for exposing the rigged NFL? I want to see him expose the NFL but he might not make it if he keeps getting angry on the Livestreams.

Here's him exposing Presidential elections as scripted but hours into the stream he starts losing it.

2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Was A Satanic Ritual!